Project Development

Project Development

Projects move through three major phases: Planning, Design, and Construction. Examples of projects can include upgrading a station, enhancing multimodal access to a station, or improving tracks. Although each project is different, developing a project from idea through completion generally includes the steps and considerations listed below.

Public and stakeholder engagement is always foundational to each project.

PLANNING. . . considers a problem from all angles and finds the best concepts for solving it.

During the planning phase, PennDOT meets with local governments and other stakeholders, such as Amtrak, to discuss issues and opportunities related to the​​​ station and rail corridor. Projects to enhance safety, improve ADA accessibility, and attain a state of good repair are top priorities. PennDOT Connects​ coordination helps maximize community benefits.

DESIGN. . . develops the concepts into engineering drawings and specifications.

During the design phase, plans are fleshed out in stages to define a project more specifically. The environmental review process is completed, and right-of-way is acquired, if necessary. Plans and specifications are developed to provide all the detail constructors need to build the project as envisioned.

CONSTRUCTION. . . transforms those drawings into reality.

Construction of a major project involves numerous trades and contractors who need to accomplish their tasks safely, on schedule, on budget, and within weather constraints. Many stations remain in operation during construction, and vehicle, passenger, and train traffic needs to be safely accommodated.